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Radically Me! Transforming Trauma to Create a Life You Love

Radically Me! Transforming Trauma to Create a Life You Love

Time alone cannot heal a traumatic childhood. It takes a strong commitment, focused effort, and the ability to leverage resources (information, friends, coaches, therapists, nature, etc.). Working on the mind alone cannot heal these deep wounds. Trauma can get trapped in the body and it is necessary to work with the body and the mind to heal. It is not an easy or quick journey, but it is so worthwhile. 

Radically Me! Transforming Trauma to Create a Life You Love is a book outlining the steps to come to terms with the trauma from your childhood and begin to build your new life. Kathryn Anderson has shared some of her own life experiences and her personal perspective as an anthropologist, personal development educator, and transformational coach. Radically Me is about uncovering your core, powerful, authentic self without the unhealthy shielding we develop to protect us from the trauma. Radically Me is about tapping into your resilience and resourcefulness to grow and create a meaningful life. You will learn techniques to champion your lost childhood so that you can be your best self and live a purposeful life.

In this book you will learn how to:
•Identify the impact that childhood trauma has had on your life.
•Explore your experiences of trauma and consider how and whether to share them.
•Visualize your “Radical Why” – the reason you want to heal from trauma.
•Commit to your “Radical Yes” by setting goals.
•Explore various shielding and soothing techniques to identify the obstacles and patterns that are holding you back.
•Discover what was lost due to the trauma that you can reclaim now.
•Experience radical self-love as the basis for healing.
•Learn how to set healthy boundaries.
•Explore how a practice of forgiveness can aid healing.
•By developing a plan for deep self-care you will celebrate you!

Anderson is committed to overcoming societal attitudes that intensify shame and isolation around childhood trauma. She sincerely hopes this book will be a helpful tool to others who are ready to step into the post-trauma growth phase. This is the first in a series of books that Anderson is sharing with readers as she continues her journey to build a better life and world! Future book topics in the series will include: the healthy use of anger and how to release it; practicing forgiveness; resources and tools for healing; and dealing with triggers. Join the conversation at

Radically Me! Transforming Trauma to Create a Life You Love is filled with courageous insight into the long-term effects of childhood trauma. Kathryn Anderson invites you to join her in a journey of discovery as she shares her story of transformation. Radically Me is sure to be a healing guide for anyone who feels their childhood trauma is still holding them back from a deeply authentic and full life. — Marci Shimoff, #1 NY Times bestselling author, Happy for No Reason and Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul

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